Sometimes to overcome the darkness, you have to turn and face the light.
Title: Seeing Rachel
Tagline: Sometimes to overcome the darkness, you have to turn and face the light.
Logline: A woman betrayed by her husband. A daughter sold to traffickers to pay off his gambling debts. A Cop and an MI5 Spook unravel the case and uncover just who’s been seeing Rachel.
About / Concept: A female-driven psychological thriller. The problem with human trafficking isn't the supply, but the demand. It isn't that it happens in someone else's neighbourhood, but our own. When a mother loses her daughter, all she has left are memories. For the Police, all they have left are nightmares.
Production Details: Currently in development. Executive Producer – Sandra Isabel Correia. Producer – Ben Richards An International Imaginists/Animus Pictures Production
Format: feature film
Genre: psychological thriller
Moodboard Soundtrack: ‘Strangers’ by Portishead